Hangover Relief & IV Therapy

Drinking as much alcohol as you can possibly stomach is all fun and games until you wake up the following morning with a hangover. The severe headaches, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea and vomiting — some of us here know the feeling all too well. No one likes the morning after a night out. But if we’re so sick of hangovers, why don’t we just stop drinking?

Sure, avoiding alcohol is the ultimate solution to ending hangover woes. But it’s easier said than done, so we’ll do you one better. Thanks to new developments in medicine, you can cure your morning-after sickness and get hangover relief with IV therapy

Why Do Hangovers Happen? 

Before we dive into IV therapy and how it cures hangovers, you first need to understand why a hangover happens in the first place. 

Alcohol is primarily made of ethanol, a product of yeast fermentation that triggers various different effects on the body and mind. Ethanol enters the bloodstream, penetrates the brain barrier, and interacts with brain cells. It suppresses the neurons in the brain and slows down its natural process. As a result, our brains get a little wonky, which of course, translates to how we behave when intoxicated, i.e. disorientation, slow responsiveness, slurred speech, etc. 

Dehydration is also a consequence of excessive alcohol consumption because ethanol is a diuretic. When you drink, you are forced to take more bathroom breaks than usual. But what you are evacuating in your urine is not alcohol but water. This causes dehydration, which eventually leads to other hangover symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, and lightheadedness. 

What is IV Therapy? 

IV therapy is the process of supplying the body with vitamins and nutrients directly into the bloodstream by means of an intravenous line. They do not go through the digestive system, and can immediately be accessed and used by the body’s cells, which means the results kick in pretty quickly! 

That’s good news for people suffering from hangovers. IV therapy can provide almost immediate relief from common hangover symptoms and get you back feeling alert, alive, happy, and well.

How Does IV Therapy Cure Hangovers? 

The recipe for curing a hangover involves three ingredients: rehydration, detoxifying, and restoring lost nutrients. Naturally, hangovers go away over time once we have completed the recipe and have supplied our bodies with whatever it needs to recover from alcohol consumption. But this can take a while and hangover symptoms can last an entire day or two. 

IV therapy can provide immediate hangover relief and complete the recipe for recovery within 30 to 60 minutes post-treatment. Through an intravenous line, an IV drip pushes lost water, vitamins, and nutrients into the bloodstream while also flushing out toxins and cleansing the body. 

As the body’s cells begin to access and use the nutrients from the IV drip, our organs are able to resume regular functionality. They begin by addressing hangover symptoms and rehydrating the body to relieve any nausea, vomiting, headache, or other symptoms. 

In the least amount of time after an IV treatment, we will be restored and back to feeling normal — as if we didn’t just chug that glass of beer the previous night! 

Seek IV Therapy to Say Goodbye to Hangovers 

Hangovers are a pain. They have a knack for making us promise to ourselves that we’ll never drink alcohol again — but we always end up doing it a second time. Although we can take the hard route and stop drinking once and for all, we can also opt for a more ideal and realistic solution for hangovers. 

If you want to know more about IV therapy, schedule a consultation with our doctors today or even get mobile IV treatment for your hangovers.

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