Types of IV Therapy

Initially, Intravenous (IV) therapy was meant for celebrities and those who had money. However, it has now become one of the most widespread ways to administer various nutrients into the body. 

Also, there are various types of IV therapy that, however, depend on the purpose and the component or therapy nutrients involved. The most common type is IV vitamin therapy.

IV Vitamin Therapy

Intravenous vitamin therapy entails directly delivering vitamins and minerals nutrients into the bloodstream. The procedure bypasses the digestive system and liver metabolism to ensure the nutrients directly access the bloodstream. 

Apart from being efficient and convenient, IV vitamin therapy helps keep the body hydrated and replenishes the body’s electrolytes. It also plays a vital role in increasing the body energy level to eliminate fatigue and improve body wellness by:

  • Eliminating sluggish metabolism
  • Managing stress, anxiety and depression feelings
  • Improving an individual physical performance, among other health benefits 

The process may be a bit complicated, and determining its success is finding suitable personnel. That implies that every person who plans for an IV vitamin must conduct adequate research to find out for reputable professionals to help with the infusion. 

Here are the different IV vitamin therapies:

Goodbye GI/PMS IV Infusion

This is a premium blend of various vitamins to help relieve PMS symptoms such as abnormal discomfort, irritability, and lower back pain. It’s also effective in reducing bloating, and a monthly dose is enough for optimal benefits. 

Immunity IV Infusion

Immunity hydration and recovery infusion is the best way to give the body the necessary nutrients or booster to keep going. This infusion effectively restores hydration, boosts flu and cold, and improves mental clarity. 

It includes the highest dose of B vitamins and vitamin C. It also doubles the amount of zinc with other nutrients to keep away infections and illness. Most importantly, they help the body recover from various diseases.

Additionally, the hydrating features of IV infusions are significant in dehydration and relieving hangovers. It combines fluids, anti-nausea medications or electrolytes that detoxify the body to eliminate the hangover for some time.  

Immunity IV infusion is also great for:

  • Boosting the body energy
  • Reducing body inflammation
  • Promoting healing and recovery
  • Revitalizing the immune system

Weight Loss IV Drip

While exercise and diet are considered the best ways to shed some weight, weight loss IV infusion has become a perfect way of blasting away the stubborn pounds and burning fats for faster weight loss. 

The infusion uses a combination of fat-burning nutrients and vitamins that improves fat metabolism and fights adrenal fatigue to facilitate weight loss. The drip can also enhance weight loss in the following ways:

  • Supply or restore energy- it contains vitamin B that helps boost energy levels to improve one’s step towards losing weight
  • Promotes healthy cells and tissues performances- losing weight takes a lot from the body cells. Still, antioxidants, minerals or vitamins drip would help boost and support cellular and tissue health.

In Summary 

IV vitamin therapies aim to solve and boost various body functions like improving mental and physical health, reducing or managing weight and boosting the immune system, among other numerous health issues.

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