How IV Therapy Can Help Treat Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is hard and uncomfortable to live with, and often, it seems like there is no cure for it. Over-the-counter painkillers don’t work, topical treatments don’t provide instant relief, and it’s starting to feel like you’ve run out of options.

But there is a treatment that you might not have considered yet — IV therapy. Proven to have provided relief to many sufferers of chronic pain, seeking IV therapy treatments can help mitigate your pain levels and promote a more comfortable life. 

What is IV Therapy? 

IV therapy is a means of supplying the body with vitamins and nutrients it needs to function optimally. By attaching an intravenous line to an individual with chronic pain, they receive essential nutrients such as B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C directly into their bloodstream instead of the digestive system. That way, the body’s cells can utilize them immediately to aid bodily functions. 

IV therapy is a painless procedure, except for the initial prick of the needle to attach the intravenous line. Taking over an hour for it to deliver the perfect dose of essential nutrients, many chronic pain sufferers say that IV therapy helps them relax while waiting for the results to kick in. There is also no downtime or side effects associated with it. 

Who Should Get IV Therapy? 

Chronic pain can be caused by a variety of underlying issues, such as inflammation, muscle or nerve damage, or a prior illness, disease, or injury. Regardless of the cause, IV therapy can help ease pain and discomfort. Anyone experiencing chronic pain should seek out IV therapy and talk to a doctor about creating a treatment plan to provide long-lasting relief. 

How IV Therapy Helps With Chronic Pain 

Chronic pain may be caused by the lack of essential vitamins and nutrients in the body. Since the body’s organs are not getting enough of the resources it needs to reduce inflammation and fight damage, it translates into pain or discomfort. 

Through IV therapy, the body is supplied with enough essential nutrients it needs to function optimally. The organs in charge of fighting inflammation and relieving pain are improved and their functions are enhanced, therefore allowing the body to better ease and recover from chronic pain. 

IV therapy is also customized for each patient, depending on what they need to relieve their pain. A doctor will provide a consultation and run some tests to determine the root cause of the patient’s discomfort and then recommend a specific IV therapy treatment to address it. 

For example, if inflammation is the cause of your chronic pain, your doctor may customize your IV therapy to boost your immune system so that your body is supplied with what it needs to heal inflamed areas. Chronic pain caused by muscle damage, on the other hand, will need an IV therapy treatment that delivers magnesium to encourage muscle regrowth. 

IV Therapy vs. Pain Medications: Which One is More Effective? 

The first instinct when pain or discomfort starts is to take a pain reliever. But over-the-counter medications aren’t the best solution for chronic pain, especially if it is recurring. Our bodies can get accustomed to pain relievers over time, causing them to be less effective or even stop delivering their benefits. Pain medications can also cause side effects and do more harm than good when used too frequently and for too long. 

IV therapy is a safe and more effective alternative. It is often administered with the guidance of a physician, so you can rest assured that you’re getting what you need and what your body can handle. 

Get Started With IV Therapy 

It’s high time to start considering IV therapy for chronic pain relief. If you want to explore its benefits or try out an IV therapy session, speak to our doctors today.

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