What Is Infusion Therapy?

Some drugs can’t be administered orally since they can lose their effectiveness before reaching the bloodstream. However, they can be administered through a controlled pace of a catheter or a needle. This process is called infusion therapy. It ensures that the dose goes directly to the bloodstream without passing through the digestive system. In this era, people also use infusion therapy as a way to get nutrients such as vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals, as a way to keep their bodies functional, and as an enjoyment process. The main types of infusion therapy include intravenously (IV), Epidural, intramuscular and subcutaneous.

How Does Infusion Therapy Work?

Before settling on infusion therapy, you need to consult an experienced professional for guidelines. A highly trained professional will help you know if infusion therapy is the best option to receive treatment or nutritional medication. They will then direct you to a suitable facility if they think infusion therapy is the right option for you. The first step in the facility would be to make the patient feel at ease by providing them with amenities they will enjoy. These include drinks, pillows, blankets, and TV as the patient waits on the recliner chair for treatment.

Further, the professional will explain the possible side effects and risks involved with the infusion therapy treatment before beginning. The treatment follows where an infusion pump is connected to a catheter that drips the solution to the patient’s veins. Infusion therapy is the fastest and effective way to make the patient feel better, though it depends on the medication being administered.

How Beneficial Is Infusion Therapy?

With infusion therapy, the medication or the nutrients go directly to the bloodstream without passing through the digestive system. This means that the drip helps the nutrients and medication to instantly go to your body, where the body absorbs 100 percent of what it needs. Here are some ways infusion therapy can be beneficial to your body.

  • It helps with relaxation and ease anxiety
  • Increases circulation
  • Promotes the energy levels in patients
  • Cleanses the unwanted body toxins
  • Treating nutrient deficiencies
  • Can effectively cure hangovers and dehydration
  • Promotes weight loss

What Are The Risks Involved With Infusion Therapy?

Like any other type of medication, infusion therapy needs to be handled by an experienced and highly qualified professional. If done carelessly, the process can be dangerous to the recipient and may result in catastrophic consequences. Also, it can be challenging for patients with smaller veins. Infusion therapy can also cause damage to the scar tissue due to many infusions. However, there are remedies to these risks and safety concerns that include:

  • Ensure you consult a highly trained professional before settling on infusion therapy.
  • Choose a licensed and certified nurse to conduct the procedure.
  • Ensure you undergo proper screening before the infusion therapy session.
  • Ensure the medical professional is using quality medical equipment from reputable manufacturers.
  • The medical professionals should wash their hands, disinfect the working area and equipment before and during the treatment period.

In Summary

Most nutrients and medication take around 30 minutes to dissolve and reach the bloodstream when ingested orally. That’s why infusion therapy is considered efficient since it takes less than a minute to reach the entire circulation. However, it is vital to consult a professional before considering taking infusion therapy as your option. If you are considering infusion therapy for your treatment procedure or nutrient intake, be sure to book an appointment in the best infusion therapy facility.

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