What Does Medical Weight Loss Mean?

Losing weight is always easier said than done. It requires the utmost patience and determination to stick to an exercise routine, abide by a healthy and balanced diet, and make big changes in our lifestyles. Weight loss is a journey that requires a lot of work — not to mention research on the best practices to losing weight in a proper and healthy manner.

There have been so many “hacks” or fool-proof tips to lose weight circulating online. But often, these are unhealthy and unsustainable practices that may be doing more harm to your body than good. 

People without medical knowledge would tell you that you need to skip meals or promote a 7-minute weight loss challenge. While these may work for some individuals, nothing compares to medically assisted programs and advice from doctors. That’s where medical weight loss comes in. 

What is Medical Weight Loss? 

Medical weight loss is simply the process of shedding off excess weight with the assistance and guidance of a healthcare professional. It comprises programs that are tailor-fitted to an individual’s body, nutrition needs, and lifestyle. and regulated by the medical knowledge of a doctor. In short, it’s a healthier way to lose weight and keep it off. 

The Three Main Components to Medical Weight Loss 

Medical weight loss programs essentially have three main components: initial consultation with a medical professional, creating a program that changes behaviors and lifestyles, and prescribing medications that can supplement the journey to losing weight. 

Initial Consultation 

The first step in a medical weight loss program is the initial consultation, which is administered by a doctor. It works the same way as an interview where the doctor will learn more about you, your weight history, and your goals. It allows them to get a better idea of where you are and where you aim to be, i.e. the ideal weight that you’re after. 

The information that the doctor retrieves during the initial consultation will serve as their basis for creating a weight loss plan that aligns with your goals and lifestyle. But this session can also be a good opportunity for you to learn about your doctor and his or her track record, as well as ask any questions that you may have about the process or weight loss in general. 

Behavior and Lifestyle Changes 

Medical weight loss programs can vary, depending on what the doctor thinks are the best ways to help you lose weight. But the most basic principle is a lifestyle change. Your doctor-prescribed weight loss plan will typically include methodologies for diet management and exercise. 

Depending on your nutritional needs, your doctor will craft a diet plan to help you lose weight. Usually, this will include foods that are low in calories and carbohydrates and high in protein. They may also recommend some of the common diet plans, such as intermittent fasting. 

If suitable for you, your doctor may also suggest some eating schedules. This keeps your diet on track, assisting your body in burning more energy at prime times of the day.  

Many people think that diet alone can help with weight loss. While it is possible to a certain extent, a healthy and balanced diet needs to be supplemented with a higher level of physical activity. 

Hence, your medical weight loss program will involve exercise to help your body burn stored fat. Extra physical activity also enables your body to use the energy you get from the food you eat. Your doctor will recommend some weight loss exercises that are optimized for your goals and your lifestyle.

Medications and Supplements 

Depending on your health history, goals, and needs, your doctor may recommend weight loss medication to complement your diet and exercise routine. Typically, these will include supplements and vitamins that help your body burn extra energy and fast-track your weight loss journey. 

It’s important that you only take what your doctor prescribes to mitigate the risk of adverse effects and the danger of making your weight loss program counterproductive. Your doctor will monitor the effects of these medications on your body and make adjustments as necessary. 

Medical Weight Loss With Elevated Concierge Health and Wellness 

Medically-assisted weight loss is not only more effective but is also a safer and healthier way to lose weight. Have a trained and licensed physician in your arsenal as you endeavor your weight loss journey. Based on functional medicine model, our doctors procure personalized diet and exercise plans to get you to your ideal weight. Request a consultation with us and get started on your weight loss journey.

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